Thursday, 18 August 2011

First Ever Blog Post... :)

Right, Well here it is... my first ever blog post. How fantastic. This Blog has been set up to show everyone my photography and work that i have done into photography and media related things. I would love to hear all comments that you have on photos and things that i post, whether you have ideas on how i can manipulate them or anything!

About Me...

My Name is Stephanie Pollock and i am 18 years old. I live in Hertfordshire with my mum and my grandparents. I have 4 pets, my 2 cats, Ziggy and Lola (best cats on earth!!) and my two wonderful horses, Martini and Mayzie.
Currently, i am in sixth form and am I'm year 12, i will be going up to year 13 shortly as i have just finished my AS exams, which were highly stressful. For AS levels i took Photography, Media Studies, Psychology and Philosophy/Ethics.

I am now looking into my future and my plans are to go to university- i am in the process of filling in my applications and looking at courses and universities ect. The course that has got me most interested at the moment is Digital Photography.

Photography is one thing that i truly think is very personal. Photos to me are stories and memories that you can keep for a lifetime. The camera i use is a NIKON D3100 with a few different lenses, i also have Adobe Photoshope Elements on my home computer, which i spend a lot of time on manipulatiing photos.

ok, so that is my first post and i will post some photos and another blog posting very soon. If you want to contact me or anything i do have a facebook.. type in Steph Pollock and you should find me, but could you just message me to say you are from my blog! i also have a twitter but don't know what that is... and i also have an email address so if you ever want to contact me it is i may take a while to get back, but i apologise in advance!

Thanks for looking at my blog, i really appreciate all your support
